Lastly, somehow, I forgot to thank you for the shout out!! But as Bugs Bunny would say, "I'm an embasil."

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Also, thought that you'd enjoy this: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=gillian+no+laughing+in+heaven#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:0d4e43f9,vid:W3zU0uFxK-Y,st:0

I'm a huge Deep Purple and extended musical family nerd.

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Yr column: Funny and irrefutable.

Re: 30s S.T.: The ep. refer to is "City on the Edge of Forever," written by Harlan Ellison. See my humble 'stack which, in part, discusses it: https://randomopinions.substack.com/p/a-boy-and-his-author?r=3fnl6n

Unless she means, "Piece of the Action," but that wasn't a time-travel ep. I will stop now.

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